




太田 洋 OTA, Hiroshi
Director of Global Education Center

鈴木 繁幸 SUZUKI, Shigeyuki
Director of Student Mobility Division

髙橋 有加准教授 TAKAHASHI Yuka, Associate Professor

<自己紹介>Hello, my name is Yuka Takahashi. I teach English at Tokyo Kasei University. Is there anything you want to know through using English? If you can gather information using English, what kind of things do you want to learn about? Maybe about your major or your favorite things? Being able to use English allows you to obtain information from all over the world. It also allows you to feel a sense of connection to the global world.
My interest in English was sparked by my love of the Harry Potter books and movies. I wanted to talk with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I also wanted to read Harry Potter books in English one day. I started studying English in junior high school and joined a 2-week New Zealand study abroad program when I was in the 3rd year of junior high school. I also went to New Zealand for my 1-year study abroad program in the 2nd year of high school. Even though it was not all enjoyable experiences, as I also experienced discrimination and setbacks, I really enjoyed the environment full of diversity in which people who have different backgrounds live together. After graduating from high school, I studied linguistics in Macquarie University in Sydney and earned a degree. Through these study abroad programs, I made friends worldwide: in New Zealand, Australia, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, the Philippines, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, the UK… and I am still expanding my global connections.
English is a tool to expand your possibilities in the future, regardless of what kind of job you get. Let’s study together at Tokyo Kasei University. Let’s have a wide global view and develop the ability to look at the world from many different perspectives.
皆さんは、英語を使って何か知りたいことはありますか?自分の好きなことや、専門について英語で情報収集できたらどんなことが知りたいですか? 英語を使うことで、世界中の情報を自分でつかむことができます。また、世界の出来事を身近に感じたり、自分も世界の一員だ、と感じるきっかけになると思います。
私は小学生の時にハリーポッターの本や映画が大好きになり、いつかハリー、ロン、ハーマイオニーと英語で話してみたい、ハリーポッターの本を英語で読んでみたい、と思ったのが英語に興味を持ったきっかけでした。それから中学校で英語の勉強を始め、中学3年生の時にニュージーランド研修に2週間、高校2年生の時にニュージーランドに1年間留学しました。楽しいことばかりではなく、差別や挫折もありましたが、それでも様々なバックグラウンドを持つ人が一緒に生活している海外の生活が大好きで、大学はオーストラリアの大学で言語学を学び、卒業しました。 留学を通して、世界中に友達ができました。ニュージーランド、オーストラリア、韓国、中国、香港、台湾、インド、インドネシア、スリランカ、タイ、トルコ、フィリピン、ベルギー、フランス、ドイツ、オランダ、オーストリア、ポーランド、イギリス…今も英語を使って友達を作り続けています。

酒井 亮征特任講師 SAKAI Akiyuki, Special Lecturer

<自己紹介>Howdy! My name is Akiyuki Sakai.
I first learned English as a foreign language at a Japanese junior high school. I had a good teacher who taught us the language as a tool for good communication. His teaching helped me a lot when I was in the United States, and in using it, I learned English well through both my successes and failures. After living in St. Louis, USA for nearly ten years and in Brisbane, Australia for a year and a half, I am still learning the language when I use it. Understanding and learning the language is easier when you use it, so I have my students use English a lot in my classes.
Students like you know more English than you think you do; however, it is true that many of you are not used to using it and/or are too shy to use it. My goal in my classes is to help you to understand that you can use what you know and learn new things you need. It is also my goal to help you express your own opinion and ideas and be able to share them with others in English. I look forward to thinking and learning with you.


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