

各種健康診断のお知らせ(Information about Various Health Checkups)

教職員の各種健康診断 (Various Health Checkups for Faculty and staff)

Various health checkups are conducted to maintain and improve the health of faculty and staff. Health checkups are mandated by the Industrial Safety and Health Act, School Health and Safety Act, and the school’s rules of employment. Be sure to have a checkup every year.

Please undergo the appropriate checkup among “1. Various Health Checkups”.
Regarding test items and important points, please refer to “2. Test items for various health checkups” and “3. Important points related to health checkups”.

1.各種健康診断(Various Health Checkups)

雇入れ時健康診断(①)Medical checkup for employment
For newly hired faculty and staff, or those enrolling in the Private School Mutual Aid health insurance (excluding changes in status) from this fiscal year.
雇入れ時健康診断について English
在職者の定期健康診断(②〜④)Regular Health Checkups for Employees
②35歳以上の方(For those aged 35 and older)
35歳以上の健康診断について English

    ★私学事業団人間ドック利用補助金請求書  ★標準的な質問票(40歳以上:当年度40歳になる方を含む) English

③35歳未満の方( For those under 35) 35 歳未満の健康診断について English
④特殊健康診断(板橋校舎) 授業や実習、研究等で化学物質を使用する教職員には、定期健康診断に加えて特殊健康診断を年2回実施しています。

2.各種健康診断の検査項目(Test items for various health checkups)

・詳しくはこちら English

3.健康診断に関する注意事項等について(Important points related to health checkups)

・詳しくはこちら English

<お問い合わせ先:Contact Information>
・健康診断等について( For inquiries about health checkups)
  板橋校舎:保健センター保健室 03-3961-2306(内線1300、1301)
  狭山校舎:狭 山 保 健 室 04-2952-1620(内線 245、246)
・タイムワークスの入力などについて( For inquiries about TimeWorks input, etc.)
  タイムワークスにログイン後、お知らせ>Q&Aをご参照ください(人事課)After logging in to TimeWorks, please refer to Notices > Q&A (Human Resources Department).